
A journey is a sequence of push notifications that are automatically triggered based on the user's action or condition and canceled when a user achieves designated goal.

Journey is a powerful tool that allows you to create personalized and automated communication sequences with your users. With Journeys, you can design and orchestrate targeted messaging campaigns based on user's actions and conditions and deliver messages at the right time, driving a desired outcome.

Before creating a journey, take deep consideration of the following factors:

  • Define your goal (ex. sign-up, purchase)

  • Set target audience (ex. non-registered users, users with a product added to cart)

  • Most effective send time (ex. 3 days after a user adds a product to cart)

  • Messages you want to deliver

See Understanding Journeys to have an overall view on how the Journey works.

Use Pre-built Journeys or Build a Journey from Scratch to ensure seamless and impactful user experiences and targeted engagement to drive desired outcome.

Understanding JourneyCreating a JourneyPre-built Journeys

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