
Tags are property values used to define customers. You can integrate profile data such as name, date of birth, remaining points, level, and consent to receive promotional messages. This allows you to segment groups or automate message delivery.

Integrating Tags

Note: Do not use FlareLane as your primary database. We recommend storing important data internally and using tags as a means to synchronize with your internal database.

Differences in Tag Updates for Devices and Users

Tags can be updated for both devices as well as users.

When updating tags at the user level, the update occurs simultaneously across all recent devices with the same user ID.

The more data you provide to the device, the more detailed your segment grouping can be. For example, if you update the tag, the change will only apply to the tags you previously entered. A new tag will be created only if there's no existing tag. To delete tags, insert 'null value.'

For example, let's say you have a 24-year-old male user named "Michael" with two purchase records. You can set up tags like this:

  "name": "Michael",
  "gender": "male",
  "age": 24,
  "order_count": 2,
  "liked_products": [1,2,3],
  "coupon_names": ["Coupon1","Coupon2","Coupon3"],
  "firstPurchasedAt": "2024-04-19T14:23:56+09:00"
  "ad_agreement_datetime": "2024-04-19T14:23:56+09:00"

Please use the code below at the right time to synchronize tags with the latest information:

Supported Data Types

  • String

  • Number

  • Time (Unix Timestamp in milliseconds: e.g., 1681721331085)

  • Time (ISO8601 formatted string: e.g., 2024-04-19T14:23:56+09:00)

  • Array (all elements must be either strings or numbers)

  • Null (deleted tags)

Viewing Tags

You can view the integrated tags in the full device list. Here's an example:

Filtering Tags

Using tag filters, you can create various segment groups.

For example, using the orderCount tag, which refers to the number of products purchased, you can create Buyers and Non-Buyers segments.

  • TAG orderCount≥1: Buyers

  • TAG orderCount=0: Non-Buyers

Using Tags For Message

You can update the integrated tags in your messages through hyper-personalized message syntax.

Enter the following code: {{ tags.TagName || DefaultValue }}

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