iOS SDK Setup
1. Requirements
Can be used with other push solutions!
To use FlareLane with other push solutions, you must follow some additional steps. Refer to iOS: Disable Swizzling for details.
Sign up to FlareLane and create a project
2. Credentials Setup
Follow this guide below:
3. Xcode Setup
Go to Signing & Capabilities
and click + Capability
and add Push Notifications
To support iOS Rich Notifications, you need to add Notification Service Extension
In Xcode, select Notification Service Extension
from File > New > Target
Enter the Product Name. In this guide, we will define it as FlareLaneNotificationServiceExtension
Set Minimum Deployments
of the Notification Service Extension Target you just created to be the same as the main app target you are currently using.
4. Install SDK using CocoaPods
Add the following code to your Podfile
Run pod install
in the terminal
5. Initialization
(5-1. SwiftUI Only)
Since AppDelegate.swift is not created in the SwiftUI project, the file needs to be created first.
Create a new AppDelegate.swift file and add some code to <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>App.swift file.
5-2. AppDelegate
5-3. Notification Service Extension
Run Xcode again and edit the extension's file. Delete the pre-filled codes and only inherit FlareLaneNotificationServiceExtension
6. Test
After completing all the steps, build and run your app. Devices that subscribe to push notifications will be automatically added to FlareLane console's All Devices.
Before actual deployment, be sure to verify that the push notifications are being received properly on the device and that the statistics are accurately recorded when the push notifications are clicked.
7. Identify your user
FlareLane's device is 'anonymous' and you can match the device with your user based on the unique user ID that identifies your user.
Setting up User ID has many benefits. You can distinguish whether a user has signed-up, and push notifications can be sent based on the User ID.
Usually, when a user sign-up or log-in, you should execute setUserId
8. Additional Setup
To use Journeys or Message Personalization, integrate custom data via SDK or API:
Last updated