
Dashboard is a user-friendly interface designed to provide you with complete control over your push notification messages.

It offers a comprehensive overview of your device activity, including total number of subscribed devices, daily count of push notifications sent and clicked, and the messages with the highest click rates.

By using the extensive analytics provided, you can improve your messages and create an effective messaging plan.

  • All Devices: The total number of subscribed devices including deleted devices

  • Subscribed Devices: The total number of currently subscribed devices capable of receiving push notifications

  • New Devices: Newly created devices during the selected time period

  • Sent & Clicked: The sum of all messages sent and clicked during the selected time period

  • Hourly Average Click Rate: Hourly average click rate of all messages sent during the selected time period

  • Message with Highest Click Rate: Click rates of all messages sent during the selected time period. Messages sent to less than 5 devices or with 0 clicks are not included.

    • Console: Messages sent from FlareLane console

    • API: Messages sent from your server using FlareLane API

Last updated