Onboarding with FlareLane

FlareLane is an easy-to-use, marketer-friendly push notifications platform with a variety of hyper-personalization and automation features.

Just follow our guide below and effectively engage with your customers!

1. Select a Channel

See Mobile Push and Web Push for more details.

After signing up to FlareLane and creating a project, go to Channels and select the appropriate channel.

For mobile apps, select Mobile Push. For websites, select Web Push. If you have both the app and the website, select both channels.

2. Setup FlareLane SDK & Custom Data

See Integration for more details.

With the help of your developers, install FlareLane SDK to your app or website. This will help FlareLane to send and get information to and from your app or website.

After installation, make sure that you go to your app or website and subscribe to push notifications. Devices, which is your mobile device (for mobile push) or mobile/web browser (for web push), that have subscribed to push notifications will automatically be added to your FlareLane project under All Devices.

Also, don't forget to integrate custom data to further personalize and automate push messages.

3. Start Sending Push Notifications

See Journeys for more details.

After completing a simple integration process, you can now start sending general, scheduled and automated push notifications.

Make sure to add your device as a Test Device and send a test message at New Message to make sure that everything is working.

Get ready to use the following Pre-built Journeys immediately:

  • Onboard New Customers

  • Trigger Unregistered Users to Sign-up

  • Trigger Dormant Users to Revisit

  • Trigger Subscribers to Make First Purchase

  • Trigger Purchasers to Make a Repeat Purchase

  • Triggers Users with a Product Added to Cart to Complete a Purchase

  • Encourage Purchasers to to Write a Review

4. Optimize with Analytics & Insights

See Analytics & Insights for more details.

Find the best time to send push notifications, as well as push notifications with the highest click rate at Analytics & Insights.

FlareLane offers a variety of analytics to help you optimize your push notifications strategy.



Last updated