Android: FCM Setup (Legacy)

FCM v1 migration required

As FCM Legacy API will end support in June 2024, if you are using FCM Legacy, you will need to migrate to FCM V1.

You can check the current settings on the channel page in the console.

This guide provides instructions on how to obtain the necessary values for configuring FCM.

  • Server Key

  • Sender ID

1. Create a Firebase Project

Add a project to Firebase.

2. Check FCM Authentication Information

Click on the top left gear button and select 'Project Settings'.

At 'Cloud Messaging' tab, click 'Cloud Messaging API (Legacy)' > [···] and then click 'Manage API in Google Cloud Console'.

If it is already enabled, you can skip this process.

Click 'ENABLE' button.

Check the Server Key and Sender ID.

3. Setup FlareLane

At FlareLane Channels > App Push > Push Certificate > FCM input fields, enter the Server Key and Sender ID obtained in Step 2.

Last updated